After importing data from SAP2000 or ETABS, all columns could be detailed in elevations. The elevations include longitudinal rebars, foundation and story levels, splice points, rebar hooks, probable warnings, corresponding IDs in list of materials for longitudinal rebars and stirrups, and much more.
Also stirrups detailing in elevations includes sizes, inside floor detailing, inside foundation detailing, spirals in circular sections, circular ties, middle of the column and L0 zone arrangements, and much more.
In brief, column elevations include:
- Foundation and story levels
- Longitudinal rebars
- Column stirrups
- Spirals in circular sections
- Circular ties
- Middle of the column and L0 zone arrangements
- Added stirrups within floors
- Added stirrups under foundation surface level
- Splice points
- Rebar hooks
- Probable warnings
- Corresponding IDs in list of materials
- And much more